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Safe Sport Presentation with Allison Forsyth

Athletics Manitoba, in partnership with Sport Manitoba Coaching, is hosting an important safe sport presentation. Date and time: Wed, Apr 12, 2023 7:30 PM CDT

This presentation is open to all coaches in Manitoba, and all Athletics Manitoba member coaches are STRONGLY encouraged to attend. Club representatives, board members and volunteers are also encouraged to attend as this is an extremely important topic. This session will serve as the first of a series, developed to inform and educate our community on creating and maintaining a safe environment for our athletes.

This will be virtual presentation, with the option to attend an in person viewing at the University of Manitoba (Room 193 at the Frank Kennedy Centre).

The guest speaker – Allison Forsyth, is an 8-time Canadian national ski champion and advocate for change in the Canadian sport system. She is also Partner and COO of ITP Sport, Canada’s first full service and programming safe sport agency.

Learn more about ITP Sport.

Learn more about Allison.

Presentation topics will include,

  • Power Dynamics in coaching Building safe/trusting relationships with athletes Communication btw coaches and athletes
  • Rule of Two and Safe travel situations

All attendees are asked to register online and indicate whether they plan to attend the in person viewing or whether they will watch/attend virtually.

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