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Athletics Ontario Race Directors Summit

Athletics Ontario Race Directors Summit

On Saturday January 20th, 2018, the Ontario Roadrunners of Athletics Ontario will be hosting a Race Directors Summit at Acme Works, in Toronto.

The schedule for the day will be as follows:

7:00 a.m.: Group Run (Optional)

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Summit

5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.: Cocktail reception (Optional)

Register: click here

We currently have some fantastic speakers with the proposed lineup of topics.  We intend on keeping the format collaborative rather than simply speakers speaking, and having the day saturated with awesome information and discussion. Some of the topics we will cover are:

– Social Media/Advertising and Marketing

– Sponsorship

– Taking your race to the next level (with addition of group discussion on experiences and challenges in doing so)

– Details of Event Organization, volunteer retention, participant engagement

– Small Race case study

– Necessary technical logistics (possible breakout between Trail and Road)

– Emergency response, medical, safety measures.

– Open forum (including each person sharing one great thing they did with their event that provided better than expected results or one awful idea that wasted time/money or just went nowhere)

Venue: Acme Works
229 Niagara Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 2L5

Ample parking will be available, some is free and some is paid.

Price: $75 (Before January 1st)
$85 (After January 1st, 2018)

Price includes:
– Optional morning group run
– Morning snacks
– Full lunch
– Afternoon snacks
– Cocktail hour

Updates will also be provided in the Facebook event.

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